Saturday, February 21, 2009

After the Matterhorm!

Thank Everyone who helped and came to the benefit for Gary and our family on Thursday night! We could not get over the turnout. What a community we live in. We hope everyone enjoyed the band and also won one of the many awesome donations that were being raffled and auctioned off. (we still do not have a final $ tally) It took me several hours to walk around the bar stopping and talking to many old and new friends. ON our way to the "horn" Gary was saying that he didn't know how long he would last. We all pretty much know his early early morning routine of waking up and painting and getting the fire going...etc. I also know that he loves seeing his friends so I wasn't to surprised to see that he held up really well. No fatigue or sign of wanting to even sit down. We THANK YOU ALL for once again helping make Gary's cancer days less of a downer and more of a fight to cure himself.
His parents arrived last night and we'll all spend the week sending Jaynie off on her 18th birthday to celebrate in Switzerland with her French Class. Ian won't know what to do with himself! You can be assured he's working hard in his French class so he can also go on a trip of a lifetime in a few years. Jaynie's pen pal family are avid skiers and will be taking her to the Alps while she is there. So EXCITING for her!
Kona, the puppy, spent last weekend being spayed (thank you Dr. Cindy at LVVC in Hyde Park) and now she's wearing a cone on her head for the next 7 days due to ripping out her stiches and becoming infected. It's quite a task keeping a lab puppy entertained on a leash and now with a CONE on her head ARGHHH!!! I can't help laughing at her when she walks through the house bumping into things with her conehead held held high as though this new extremity is not going to take away her dignity. So funny, but so sad.
We welcome visiters and callers any time.
We continue to eat healthy and slowly push the new diet onto our kids who are taking the transition in stride. (NOT)
Talk soon...have a nice weekend.
Peace on Rock out EAT WELL!

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