Monday, January 19, 2009

Driving Sign Up for Fletcher Allen Health Care

I cant figure out how to post a calendar on this blog so I am just going to start this Thursday and Friday bringing Gary for treatments as planned and then ask for help starting the following Monday-Friday. Each Wednesday I will bring Gary, since that is the day that the Doctor checks in on Gary.
I think the easiest way to make this work is to have people check the blog and (pass the blog info around) write the date that you would like to drive into the comment area on this post. For now most of the appointments are later in the day/evening. Since Fletcher Allen has over 100 people a day getting treatments for 6 week periods Gary starts out as "low man on the totem pole" for preferable times. As the weeks go on he can start making requests for earlier times. SO...Please write your name and telephone number and email address along with the day you can transport. Jen and I will be keeping a calendar. Keep in mind this is a work in progress. For now just keep the driving date sign ups right on the comments part of this particular post. We will add a calendar if possible once we figure out how.
If anyone wants to email us directly with questions: (Mary Ellen) (Jen)


  1. Hey Gary and Mel,

    Finally got the blog info. Duncan and I are happy to help with driving to treatments. I definitely have Tuesdays off and can schedule other days off as needed. Let me know.

    You are both in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Kelley

  2. Kelley can I put you down for Tues 27th? Jen

  3. I am happy to drive anytime, even on short notice.
    Please feel free to assign me whenever i can help, it will be good to be able to do something to help you folks out.
    I am commenting as "anonymous" because i have no clue how to do otherwise....
    Tom Eckert

  4. Your funny Tom! I think so far I am driving Gary this Thursday. Tom Scarf may be Friday. Monday I was going to ask Tom M. as soon as I know the time. Tuesday I believe Kelley B and Wednesday I wanted to go because the Doc is there, but also a work issue may happen and Dave S may drive Gary instead. I'll get the times for next week so it's easier for people to sign up. Sorry for all the delays and confusions. Talk soon.
