Saturday, January 10, 2009

Gary's Tumor story

He went in to Copley on Christmas day complaining of having a hard time speaking his thoughts in full sentences. We thought that maybe the kick in the eyeball while sparring at TaeKwonDo a few weeks early may have had something to do with this symptom. Now we know that was unfortunately not the case. The CAT Scan at Copley showed the mass in his brain and made us go directly to Fletcher Allen to get more information via an MRI. By New Years Eve day Gary had gone through a biopsy operation to find out what type of Tumor he had. The following Monday night, Dr. Penar called to let us know the diagnosis. We are currently set up for 6 weeks of radiation treatment at Fletcher Allen and he will be given pill form Chemo simultaneously. After 6 weeks he will continue the chemo treatment for the next year. He is currently not working, but has the go ahead from Fletcher Allan Doc's to do as much as he feels like he can do. Skiing, working, etc... He will try working a few hours a day this next week while we're around. He may ski if the cold and ice aren't to extreme. This Wednesday we will go to Brigham and Woman's Hospital to see Dr. Peter Black for a 2nd opinion. I recommend googling him to anyone who wants to learn about what Gary is dealing with. Dr.Peter Black + Glioblastoma Brain Tumor brought a wealth of knowledge. - ME

1 comment:

  1. I'm on! That was easy. Looks good. I'll pass on the info to others. XO Jen
